How to Reduce your Child's EMF Exposure (and why you should)

The discussion around EMF’s has risen in popularity in the wellness and non-toxic worlds over the last few years. But what exactly are EMF’s and why do people say they’re bad for our health. And if they’re best avoided when possible, how can you reduce your child’s EMF exposure? We cover all that and more in today’s blog post.


Are EMF’s Impacting Your Child’s Health?

Does your child behave better or sleep better when they have been outside in nature? It may be due to a reduction in EMF exposure. 

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields. Before you roll your eyes or click away, I ONCE THOUGHT THIS WAS “WOO WOO” too, but let me tell you a little story. 

I have my wifi in this corner beside my couch. It is a PERFECT corner for hanging a plant, with plenty of sunshine coming through the windows, but every time I place a plant in that corner, it DIES! I replace it in another area in my house, and it comes to life. I’ve done this at least 4 times. I couldn’t figure it out for the longest time, until my husband suggested it may be the WIFI.

EMFs are not NEW to our environment, but the amount of exposure has exponentially risen over the past 10-20 years with the introduction of cellphones, wifi, bluetooth, and now 5-G. 

Our children are more susceptible to the effects of EMFs than adults due to a variety of physiological differences. Research shows EMFS can be disrupting to brain development (leading to ADHD like behavior and is being explored in it’s contribution to autism), has been classified as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization, and is known to cause oxidative damage (a main contributor to many chronic health conditions).

EMFs are believed to play a synergistic role with other toxins (AKA- EMF exposure impairs your ability to detox AND toxins are believed to make your body more susceptible to toxins). 


Dr. Martin Pall, PHD is an expert is this field and has broken it down into a few main areas: 

  1. Nervous System Effects- including sleep disturbances/insomnia, fatigue, headaches, depression, ADHD, dizziness, memory changes, anxiety, and agitation/irritability 

  2. Endocrine System Effects- detrimental effects on reproductive hormones, thyroid hormones, melatonin levels, glucose homeostasis, and adrenal hormones. 

  3. Produce Oxidative Stress- which has a central role in essentially all chronic diseases. 

  4. Altering DNA - which can produce cancer, negatively impact DNA in sperm cells, and product mutations in cell lines that will effect future generations. 

  5. Lower Male and Female Fertility, Lower Sex Hormones, Lower Libido, and Increased Levels of spontaneous abortion. 

  6. Elevated levels of Apoptosis (programmed cell death)-  which is an important mechanism by which EMF exposure can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases and infertility 

  7. Attacks the cells of our bodies to cause cancer- these attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation

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Decreasing EMF’s in the bedroom while sleeping should be first priority! The research around the effects of EMF’s on sleep is “inconclusive” and somewhat controversial, but I’ve seen huge clinical improvements with my patients who are struggling with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and behavioral disorders. We can’t wait to take action until research catches up with clinical findings. It is also the EASIEST to avoid EMF exposure while we are sleeping, since we are not in need of many of our devices. 

Follow this simple checklist to ensure a good night’s rest: 

  • Unplugging WIFI at night 

  • Unplugging electrical equipment within bedroom that is not being used: lamps, clocks, TVs, Alexa, computers, diffusers, etc. 

  • Move items that NEED to be plugged in as far away from the bed as possible (goal is 10 feet)- ie: phones, fans, air purifiers, alarm clocks, sound machines, air conditioners, emergency phones, baby monitors, etc (keep your cell phones plugged in outside of the room if possible)

  • Avoid placing your bed near a wall with smart meters or live wires. 

  • Consider turning off electrical circuit to bedroom IF there are no appliances that need to be used. Ensure it is not on the same circuit as appliances like your refrigerator. 

  • Add EMF Shielding equipment, such as EMF shielding paint to block RF/EMF from outside (ie cell tower), EMF protection bed canopy, and other shielding devices - check out Safe Living Technologies and EMR Shielding Solutions.


Were you overwhelmed with creating your baby registry? I know I was. The baby industry is full of exciting new gadgets that can easily trick all new parents into thinking they are absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, many of these gadgets emit RFs and EMFS — increasing our child’s exposure during the most vulnerable time. So, lets talk about practical steps: 

What is emitting RFs in your nursery? 

  • Anything that is communicating via wifi, bluetooth, or contains “smart” in the description.  

What is emitting EMFs in your nursery?

  • Anything plugged in or require batteries, though battery operated devices are often better choices.  These should limited and placed as far away from the crib as possible (preferably >8 ft). 

What are the over-arching goals? 

  1. Baby Monitor:Avoid baby monitors that track oxygen levels and respiratory rate if not recommended by your doctor. Avoid baby monitors connected to WIFI. Instead choose monitors that are hardwired. The best option are AUDIO only analog baby monitors. I know what you are thinking - we just went back 30 years, but our mamas did it! A few great options are listed below:

  2. Avoid RF at all cost:  including baby monitors as mentioned above, smart cribs, installing Alexa, having wifi near nursery, bluetooth sound machines, thermometers, and smart infant seats.

  3. Limit EMF items and when necessary, place these items at least 8 feet from the crib, including humidifiers, baby monitors, sound machines (these tend to be high emitters of EMFs- so choose battery operated when possible), lamps. 

  4. Avoid unnecessary electronics: when possible, go old school. Think about what you grew up with as a child and try to emulate that environment!

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