What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Our Philosophy:

Naturopathic Medicine is not a particular therapy or practice, rather a philosophy for approaching an individual’s health. At its very core, Naturopathic Medicine is defined by the following founding principles:

  • Educate and encourage self-responsibility for health

  • Support the healing power of the body

  • Identify and address the root cause of the disease

  • Address the whole person with individualized care

  • Start with the least invasive therapy first

Our Toolbox:

Pharmacology: We are trained and able to use pharmacological medications when needed, though this is not our first choice! We see medicine as a tool to be reserved for acute situations when other modalities will not produce the necessary outcome in the desired amount of time.

Nutrition therapy: Whether it be through your food, supplements, an IV, or a shot, nutrient therapy is a foundation of our practice. We see food as medicine; yet recognize that there are times when the body must be supplemented with additional nutrients beyond what we are able to achieve through our diet alone.

Herbal medicine: We find herbs to be as strong as medications. We see that using the entire plant, rather than a specific component, works in better harmony with our body’s physiology. We use herbs in pill, tea, tincture, and topical form.

Hydrotherapy: The use of hot and cold water can significantly impact movement of lymph, circulation, immune function, and more.

Homeopathy: Homeopathy is a form of treatment that is founded on the principal of “like treats like.” Homeopathic remedies are selected based on symptoms alone. When chosen appropriately, the remedy would initiate your same symptoms if given at high doses. Thus, a homeopathic remedy essential holds a mirror up to your body to remind your body what is wrong and how to heal.

Physical and Structural Medicine: We recognize that our structural wellbeing is part of our whole wellbeing and are trained in physical manipulation, muscle energy work, laser, ultrasound, diathermy, regenerative therapies, and more.

Counseling: We recognize the importance of the mental emotional state when it comes to an individual’s whole health and are trained in counseling.